What’s Not to Like About Moss?


hreen mountain moss

I decided to go for a quick hike on the mountain this morning. The air was crisp, the temperature was 21 degrees when I started. There are only a few things green on the mountain now, pine trees, white pines, hemlocks, holly trees, mountain laurel and moss! As I hiked around the Northside of the mountain where it is always moist and shaded, I found a few large patches of green moss. The moss I found today was eye-catching green unlike nearly all other plants that have already turned brown.

moss growing on rocks

Many people don’t give moss much thought but what’s not to like about moss? Not sure what type of moss this is but it is different than most I find on the mountain. This variety grows in large clumps.

green moss

This moss was covering large rocks.


I found a really large area of bright green color moss.

close up of moss

A white pine seedling growing in a large patch of moss.


rocks with moss

The moss covers a lot of the large rocks.

icicles hanging from rock

Found these large icicles, the longest is about 12 inches long. After hiking for about an hour and fifteen minutes, I decided to head back to the house for hot chocolate!

Cutting Boards