Honey Sticks

Engraved Honey Sticks Michaels Woodcraft

Honey Sticks, engraved honey sticks, Michaels Woodcraft

Above: walnut wood honey sticks


I have started making my Honey Sticks again in Walnut and Cherry wood. New design plus engraving. The holes are honey cone shaped and adding engraving makes them unique and special. I can also do custom engraving for you if you like!

Engraved Honey Sticks, honey dipper sticks

These Honey Sticks work great for dipping honey!

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engraved cherry honey sticks

Above: Cherry wood honey sticks

personalized engraved wooden honey sticks ichaels Woodcraft



Honey Sticks

Honey Sticks


Honey Sticks

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Honey Sticks Michael's Woodcraft

Check out my Honey Sticks, click this link;  Honey Sticks


Below: Walnut catchall trays


Catchall tray engraved walnut Michaels Woodcraft


wood catchall tray pineapple engravings Michaels Woodcraft

After months of hard work and dedication, my NEW website is live!! I would love it if you would go take a look, here is the link:  MichaelsWoodcrafts


Purchasing my work is Simple, click the above image or the SHOP NOW button below to be directed to my website.

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