Hike Along


mountain laurel

Last Saturday afternoon I had a couple of hours and decided to take a hike into an area I had not hiked before and where the terrain is extremely steep. My hike took me across the mountain on the north side thru heavily covered areas of Mountain Laurel.

maountain laurel and rotted stump

I have mentioned in other hiking post that I have been hunting for a cave that was used by soldiers during the revolutionary war and a revolutionary war grave site. There are historical records with articles talking about this cave and grave site. I continue make hikes across the mountain in my attempt to find both of these.

green moss

Soon I was standing at the top of a gorge that is about 1500 feet deep trying to figure out if I was going to be able to hike down, trying to find the best path down.


I could hear water running, maybe a small waterfall. After searching for a clearing so that I could look over the Mountain Laurel, I could finally get a look at the bottom of the gorge. I had not hiked down this gorge before but I was determined to get to the bottom.

green moss growing on rocks

Almost to the bottom, decide to snap a couple pictures.

bottom of borge

It took me about 35 minutes to get to the bottom and it was worth my efforts.

huge white oak tree

Pair of huge white oak trees!

native ginger plant

I checked my compass in the direct the creek was flowing to determine if I could follow the creek. It appears the creek is flowing south which should eventually take me down the mountain. I will continue to watch my compass so that I can easily make my way back to the house.

native yellow wild flowers


animal bones

Animal bones, maybe a squirrel? Was it eaten by a fox, coyote, eagle, hawk, owl maybe?

green moss

Moss is growing all along this creek.

large rock


mountain stream

The water is crystal clear and cold.

mountain stream

There are several small waterfalls along this creek..


Can you spot the snail?

purple wild flowers





Moss and ferns growing on rocks.


This waterfall is about 20-25 feet tall.

yellow alage growing on rocks


“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for new and richer experience.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

Enjoy your day!

Older Post:

Thinks I saw
Small Waterfalls





27 thoughts on “Hike Along

  1. I spotted the snail right away! And you have violets already! (I’m in danger of using too many exclamation points as signs of spring make me easily excited.) It was a beautiful hike. Thank you for taking us along with you. 🙂

    • Good evening Robin, I only found one violet plant blooming during my entire hike but I am sure in a week or so they will all be blooming! I saw all your snow, wow, spring might not come for you for a few weeks! Have a great evening! 🙂

    • Hello Cathy, It was quite a hike, there wa only one violet plant blooming and a lot of the yellow flowers. I am not sure what the yellow flower is, tried to Google for it but no luck. They are everywhere but only on the north side of the mountain. 🙂

  2. Very nice descriptions and photographs. I felt as though I was along for the ride (walk!) Fabulous textures and colors. Love the little flowers poking through looking for the light!

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