Siebold Elegans Hostas

siebold elegans hosta


This is a beautiful grouping of Siebold Elegans Hosta that I spotted today at Furman University. It was the best day ever for photography, 70 degrees, light breeze and sunshine.

My daughter Lauren is getting married in June and today was her day for wedding dress pictures. She is so beautiful in her dress! Our first stop was Furman University, pictures among the huge 100 year old growth oak trees, then in front of the fountains, then the Rose garden!  When the photographer was done, he had taken over 1200 photos, I took over 150.

siebold elegans hosta

These hosta were growing under the huge old growth oak trees, aren’t they beautiful!!!







Hosta Sieboldiana-elegans

Hosta Sieboldiana Elegans

I wanted to share with you a few more of my hostas, I hope you enjoy the pictures and the variety!

Above picture; H. Sieboldiana Elegans is a large blue leaf hosta that makes a beautiful plant. As you can see this is a huge hosta with huge leaves. Sieboldiana Elagans flowers are mostly white with a lavender tinge and will attract hummingbirds!

hosta mix

I took this picture to show you the many different hosta variations, colors and leaf structure. There are mini, small, medium, large, huge and extra huge hostas in all color variations from yellow, green to blue along with variegated yellow, white, etc. To learn more about hostas visit the Hosta Library and the American Hosta Society.

Streaked Hosta Galaxy and Hosta Regal Rumor

Hosta Galaxy and Hosta Regal Rumor

The large streaked leaf hosta in the center of this picture is H. Galaxy. I used H. Galaxy a lot in my hybridizing as it nearly always gave me streak seedling which is needed is secondary crosses. Galaxy is hard to find and if you find someone that is willing to sell you a plant it will be very expensive.

The streaked hosta in the back is H. Regal Rumor. H. Regal Rumor is one of my registered hostas from my hybridizing. It has huge beautiful purple tinged flowers and is very fertile and sets seed very easily. There are many hostas that are not fertile and will not set seed. So if you are interested in hybridizing you need to be sure to purchase fertile plants that will set seed.

Hosta Blue Umbrellas

Hosta Blue Umbrellas

H. Blue Umbrellas is an upright growing hosta and has long petiole and huge leaves when mature.

Hosta Jack of Diamonds and Abiqua Drinking Gourd

The Hosta in the front is H. Jack of Diamonds and Hosta Abiqua Drinking Gourd is in the back.

Hosta Guacomola

Hosta Guacomola

H. Guacomola can be hard to grow but can make a huge beautiful plant.

Hosta Sagae

Hosta Sagae

H. Sagae is a variegated upright growing hosta and make a big show in the garden bed!

Hostas are wonderful plants to grow but like all plants they require special conditions. Every hosta has different shade and sun requirements. Before planting your hosta research to determine it’s specific shade and sun requirements. Hostas require acidic and aerated soil conditions. Add mini pine bark, (never use oak mulch) a lot of coffee grinds to your soil. Water and fertilizer regularly with a liquid all purpose fertilizer along with fish emulsion. I used the Alaska brand fish emulsion.

Slug and snails can be a problem and will be more of a problem if you over water your hostas. Many hostas can not tolerate slugs or snail as they will eat the leaves. However, there are many hostas with leafs that the slugs and snails can not eat. Pick your hostas based on the leafs if you already have problems with slugs and snails.

If your hosta just die for no reason you might have voles. Voles will eat the roots and kill your hostas from below ground.

Very rarely but it can happen is hosta petiole rot which is caused by the fungus Sclerotium rolfsii var. delphinii. Once you have petiole rot with a hosta it is best to remove the plant and remove all soil with four feet around that plant. I have seen the fungus Sclerotium rolfsii var. delphinii consistently with oak mulch. However, there is not evidence that oak mulch causes this fungus.

Check out my Bluebird Houses, they make great gifts and you will enjoy watching the Bluebird nest! Building Bluebird Houses are fun and rewarding.

male bluebird eating mealworms

I have been really busy making birdhouses this year, so far nearly 80 houses total. Coming soon a new Bluebird house!

bluebird nesting box





Lemon Lime and Sum & Substance


Lemon LIme Hosta

Lemon Lime Hosta

All of my hostas are looking great! All of the small to medium size hostas have completely emerged but the large to huge hostas are still unfurling their leaves.

Lemon Lime is a small hosta with wavy yellow-green pointed leaves that grows anywhere from 5 to 10 inches tall. It has a tightly formed clump and makes a great border plant. In mid summer pale lavender flowers appear atop a 13 to 15 inch scape.

Hosta are my favorite leaf plants. I have been growing hosta since 1992 and belong to the American Hosta Society as well as our local hosta society. Between 1996 and 2007 I was into hybridizing hosta and had over 1200 different variety of hosta, nearly 2000 plants not including the 1500 to 2000 seedlings I was growing. I actually still have tens of thousands of hosta seed in the freezer in small envelopes, labeled with all of the crossing of plants.

During my years of hybridizing I registered several plants with the American Hosta Society. I don’t grow as many plants any more but I do love growing them so I wanted to share a few pictures!

Sum and Substance hosta

Sum and Substance Hosta

Sum and Substance is a huge hosta that will grow to a height of 3 to 4 feet under the right conditions. The Sum and Substance above is 6 feet is diameter and nearly 4 feet tall. These pictures don’t really do this plant justice. The leaves are huge, the largest leaf this plant is 16 inches wide and 21-1/4 inches long. Later in the summer there will be lavender flowers on tall scapes. Sum and Substance can grow in full sun but you will more than likely get some burning on the edges of the leaves and it will require more water. Ideal conditions would be morning sun and afternoon shade.

Hostas will thrive in acidic soil and will grow larger than normal under ideal soil conditions as well as the right amount of water and fertilizer. They love coffee grinds mixed into the soil and fish emulsion often. When watering do not get water on the leaves especially during the hot time of the day.

Sum and Substance hosta

If you want to learn more about hostas I would suggest you join the American Hosta Society.

I will post more hosta pictures in the up coming week!

Enjoy your weekend, be sure to have some fun and laugh!


Check out my Bluebird Houses, they make great gift and you will enjoy watching the Bluebird nest!

two blue birds one on birdhouse and the other eating mealwroms