Trailcam Wild Turkey


I have not posted any trailcam pictures lately, here are some pictures of the wild turkey that live around our home on the mountain! I love my trail cameras, they are a lot of fun!


wild turkey







 Enjoy your Sunday! 🙂



Check out my charcuterie serving platters !




Large Luna Moth


The Luna Moth is a very beautiful moth and common in our area. We always see these moths late summer, early fall. This one is huge with beautiful color and markings!

My site is back up after many hours of work, it took me longer than I anticipated but that’s ok. I still have lot of tweaking to do that I will work on later in the week. I hope you like the new theme!



Huge Black Bear

huge black bear

We have had more black bears visiting us this year than I can count. This is a huge black bear that I have seen before during early evening hours just before dark. As you can see the picture was taken at 9:22 PM.

I really enjoy my trail camera!!!  Do you have a trail camera? What animal pictures are you capturing on your trail cam?


Three Bucks


I pulled one of my trail cam Sandisk cards and found over 3800 pictures taken since June 1. These are a few of the bucks that got caught on my trail camera!

two-bucks on the mountain

All of these pictures were taken on June 28th early that morning.









Make someone smile today! 🙂

Enjoy your day!

Eastern Kingsnake


I found this Eastern Kingsnake in the garden, since I did not want him hanging around I caught him into a postal bin. This Eastern Kingsnake was every bit of 5 foot long and aggressive. He stood up at me several times, he acted like a king and did not want to be bothered. Kingsnakes give off a smelly musk odor when captured and they also vibrate their tails to scare you.

As you can see the Eastern Kingsnake is a black snake with a banded pattern on its back and the bands are yellow to white color.


Kingsnakes use constriction to kill their prey. They will eat other snakes, including venomous snakes like rattlesnakes as well as lizards, rodents,frogs, birds and eggs.

I took this kingsnake about a half a mile away from the house, I sure hope he doesn’t come back!

Do you have a lot of snakes in your area? What kind of snakes have you seen this summer?

Check out my blog post from last year about all of the Copperhead snakes we have in our area.



Beautiful Red Fox

red fox

This is the red fox that likes to hang around out home. Around 6:30 PM most evenings he is in our yard checking out everything and has come within 15 feet of me. I guess he is checking me out too! He is absolutely beautiful, these pictures don’t really show his colors very well.

red fox

He also hangs out on our driveway where I put out corn for the turkey.

red fox


red foxbeautiful red fox

Off he goes looking for food!!

Trails cameras are a lot of fun and you never know what you have on the pictures, great for security too.


Building a Screech Owl Birdhouse


screech owl box


Just in the last three weeks in the early evening the screech owls have been calling and you can heard them during the night into the early morning hours. We have not heard the screech owls for months but they are back and I am glad. I love hearing the screech owls, their calls are magical! Their Monotonic trill is the coolest call! Screech owls do not screech, that’s the barn owl that has the screech call but they have a descending whistle.

owl birdhouse


Three weeks ago when I first heard the screech owls again I decided to build and install a screech owl nesting box. We continue to hear the screech owls every night and early morning but no luck just getting an owl in my box yet. I made the box from cedar and with a 3 inch hole specifically to fit Screech Owls.


screech owl nesting birdhouse

I was at our local feed and seed picking up a few things and an older farmer told me that when you hear screech owls constantly for days or even weeks, that means they are trying to find a mate. I’ve done a little research on screech owls as to their habitat and when they actually select their nesting site. It seems that it is pretty common for the screech owls to select a nesting site that they haven’t used for roosting during the rest of the year. Their mating and nesting time starts in March thru June and can even happen in the early fall.

screech owls

I designed the owl box with a side door as I do all my birdhouses to make it easier to clean.


I decided to add a perch using a small tree limb, this way if I did get owls and they decide to perch maybe I can get some really good pictures!


The weather was ideal for hanging the owl box, light mist and over cast. The box was mounted about a month ago, maybe it’s a little late to hang an owl box but I am glad I finally finished the project.


I added pine shavings for nesting material.





You can learn more about the Screech Owl or hear their sounds, check out these pages:
The Owl Pages  ( Screech Owl sounds )
National Geographic

Recent post: Bluebirds Build Nest

For more information on bluebird houses, view more images or to order, click SHOP NOW

Shop Now

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Above – Large Bluebird House



Little Guy

baby opossum

On my walk to get the newspaper this morning, I found this little guy dead on the driveway. I first thought he was playing opossum! This baby opossum was not more than 1-2 pounds, not sure what happened.

We had heavy rain, thunder and lightening again yesterday late afternoon and all during the night. Around 9:00 PM we lost power until 2:30 AM this morning. Our creek is overflowing and my rain gauge shows we got 1.62 inches of rain yesterday. The mountain is covered in fog, light mist and low hanging clouds and our temperature is a cool 64 degrees F.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

“If life gives you limes make margaritas.”
– Jimmy Buffett



Mountain Trillium



Pink Trillium

Yesterday evening took another short hike and found a few more trillium blooming. It is suppose to rain later today and I knew if there were any trillium blooming the rain would damage them.


White Trillium


Pink Turtlehead Flower

I also found a Pink Turtlehead flower!

Enjoy! 🙂